Our Licences
In order to provide certified and standardized services a company is required to possess various licenses, issued by authorized certification bodies which hold jurisdiction over a market in which the services are provided. FormaPharm constantly strives to maintain and expand its list of licenses in order to sustain our competitive edge in the engineering industry. Our licenses represent formal confirmation of our capabilities and enable us to deliver the services we are known for.
Licenses which we possess in the Republic of Serbia:
- License for health and safety at work
- Licenses for the issuance of technical documentation and construction of facilities P040G1, P040E4, P041T1, P043T1, P045T1, P046T1, P100T1, P102T1, I040G1, I040M3, I101M1.
- Decision regarding compliance with terms for certification of energy efficiency certificates / passports
Licenses which we possess in the Russian Federation:
Licenses which we possess in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
- Authorization for the construction of pipelines for liquids and gases, specific construction works on buildings (heating systems, equipment and piping installation, air conditioning and refrigeration) in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Authorization for electrical works (high and low current) in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Licenses provide confidence, trust and assurance to our clients in collaborating with us.