
Our professionals work closely with clients to define solutions to challenges or to help recommend and determine the best course of action for a given initiative. Engineering consulting services can save labor, time and money for companies that do not have the expertise or knowledge for handling a specific task.


Project Identification and Planning

The project identification stage assists our clients in identifying and developing the projects for their objectives. Together with the client, we analyze the statement of requirements in order to provide an initial description of project objectives. Analysis is required to thoroughly examine and evaluate the viable options identified to achieve an optimum high-level solution which satisfies the client’s needs and the project’s constraints. The level of effort required for each stage is dependent on the nature and complexity of a project.


This involves activities such as:

  • Describing the purpose, objectives and requirements of a project
  • Setting project deadlines
  • Identifying potential challenges
  • Determining project budgets and estimates
  • Exchange of project information, along with an invitation to submit a proposal

The expertise and knowledge that we can offer to a client spans the entire range of engineering disciplines and practices.