Finished works under the Contract on the Preparation of the Final Design and Execution of Reconstruction Works on the Existent Facilities of the Hemomont Complex, with a view to constructing a new department for sterile nasal spray production and a ”mobile racking” ‘warehouse.

Under the Contract signed between „Hemomont“ d.o.o. Podgorica and „FormaPharm Engineering Group“ d.o.o. Podgorica (December 2014) on the subject of „Preparation of the Final Design and Execution of Reconstruction Works on the Existent Facilities of the Hemomont Complex, with a view to constructing a new department for sterile nasal spray production and a ”mobile racking” ‘warehouse“ the execution of works has been completed.

The works started in March 2015 were executed by „FormaPharm Engineering Group“ d.o.o. Podgorica as follows: The Final Architectural Design of the facility, the Final Design for Building Structures, the Final Design for Internal Plumbing Fixtures, the Final Design for Strong Current Electrical Insulation, the Final Design for Low Current Electrical Insulation, EMP and automation, the Final Design for Thermo-Technical Insulation, Machine Plants, Devices and Installations, the Final Fire Protection Design.

The facility dimensions are 47.70 m x 38.4 m, number of floors Ground Floor+0. This area accommodates the new department for sterile nasal spray production and the „mobile racking“ warehouse. The capacity of the wall-unit warehouse is 2,650 Euro-pallets for storing raw materials, packaging and finished products with mobile pallet racking, for more efficient use of the available area.